Build Indexer

To learn how to build an indexer for a Substrate chain with Hybrid Indexer it is best to examine Polkadot Indexer.

Follow the subxt instructions to download the metadata from the chain to be indexed:

subxt metadata --url <URL> > metadata.scale

It's generally a good idea to have the metadata in a separate workspace from the indexer. This avoids lengthly rebuilds during development.


resolver = "2"

members = [


name = "metadata"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

subxt = "0.34"


fn main() {
#[subxt::subxt(runtime_metadata_path = "metadata.scale")]
pub mod metadata {}

Copy and modify the boilerplate Cargo.toml and from polkadot-indexer.

Create a struct that implements the subxt Config trait. For example:

fn main() {
pub enum MyChainConfig {}

impl Config for MyChainConfig {
    type Hash = H256;
    type AccountId = AccountId32;
    type Address = MultiAddress<Self::AccountId, u32>;
    type Signature = MultiSignature;
    type Hasher = BlakeTwo256;
    type Header = SubstrateHeader<u32, BlakeTwo256>;
    type ExtrinsicParams = SubstrateExtrinsicParams<Self>;

Each chain to be indexed by the indexer implements the RuntimeIndexer, IndexKey and IndexTrees traits. For example, look at PolkadotIndexer, ChainKey and ChainTrees.

Every event to be indexed is passed to process_event(). It needs to determine which pallet the event is from and use the correct macro to index it. Macros for Substrate pallets are provided by hybrid-indexer. Additional pallet macros can be provided.

fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MyChainTrees {
    pub my_index: Tree,

impl IndexTrees for MyChainTrees {
    fn open(db: &Db) -> Result<Self, sled::Error> {
        Ok(MyChainTrees {
            my_index: db.open_tree(b"my_index")?,

    fn flush(&self) -> Result<(), sled::Error> {
fn main() {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
#[serde(tag = "type", content = "value")]
pub enum MyChainKey {

impl IndexKey for MyChainKey {
    type ChainTrees = MyChainTrees;

    fn write_db_key(
        trees: &ChainTrees,
        block_number: u32,
        event_index: u16,
    ) -> Result<(), sled::Error> {
        let block_number = block_number.into();
        let event_index = event_index.into();
        match self {
            MyChainKey::MyKey(my_key) => {
                let key = U32Key {
                    key: (*my_key).into(),
                trees.my_index.insert(key.as_bytes(), &[])?

    fn get_key_events(&self, trees: &ChainTrees) -> Vec<Event> {
        match self {
            MyChainKey::MyKey(my_key) => {
                get_events_u32(&trees.my_index, *my_key)
fn main() {
pub struct PolkadotIndexer;

impl hybrid_indexer::shared::RuntimeIndexer for MyChainIndexer {
    type RuntimeConfig = MyChainConfig;
    type ChainKey = MyChainKey;

    fn get_name() -> &'static str {

    fn get_genesis_hash() -> <Self::RuntimeConfig as subxt::Config>::Hash {

    fn get_versions() -> &'static [u32] {

    fn get_default_url() -> &'static str {

    fn process_event(
        indexer: &hybrid_indexer::substrate::Indexer<Self>,
        block_number: u32,
        event_index: u32,
        event: subxt::events::EventDetails<Self::RuntimeConfig>,
    ) -> Result<(), subxt::Error> {
        match event.as_root_event::<Event>()? {
            // Substrate pallets.
            Event::Balances(event) => {
                index_balances_event![BalancesEvent, event, indexer, block_number, event_index]
            // MyChain pallets.
            Event::MyPallet(event) => {
                index_mypallet_event![MyPalletEvent, event, indexer, block_number, event_index]
            _ => {}

Custom pallet indexer macros look something like this:

fn main() {
macro_rules! index_mypallet_event {
    ($event_enum: ty, $event: ident, $indexer: ident, $block_number: ident, $event_index: ident) => {
        match $event {
            <$event_enum>::MyEvent { who, my_key.. } => {

Examine the API documentation to help determine how to query the indexer.